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Dictionary name: EDAM-Topics



EDAM topics as defined in the EDAM ontology

Entry nameIDLabel
241-270 / 1054 show all
Protein chemical modifications modifications
Protein post-translational modifications modifications
GO:0006464 modifications
MOD:00000 modifications
Molecular interactions, pathways and networks interactions, pathways and networks
Biological models interactions, pathways and networks
Genetic information processing pathways interactions, pathways and networks
Interactions interactions, pathways and networks
Networks interactions, pathways and networks
Signal transduction pathways interactions, pathways and networks
Pathways interactions, pathways and networks
Biological pathways interactions, pathways and networks
Signaling pathways interactions, pathways and networks
Gene regulatory networks interactions, pathways and networks
Disease pathways interactions, pathways and networks
Environmental information processing pathways interactions, pathways and networks
Molecular interactions interactions, pathways and networks
Biological networks interactions, pathways and networks
Cellular process pathways interactions, pathways and networks
Information science
Knowledge management
Information management
Literature data resources data resources
Laboratory resources information management
Laboratory information management information management
Tissue culture and tissue culture
Cell culture and tissue culture
Cell and tissue culture and tissue culture
Environmental science
