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Dictionary name: Glycan_Name_and_Structure



This database provides links to several databases for detailed structural information.

Entry nameIDLabel
61-90 / 623 show all
asialo GM2 Structure : JCGG-STR003580
asialo-GM2, GA2, Tay-Sachs globoside Structure : JCGG-STR003580
a-sophorose Structure : JCGG-STR005065
b-cellobiose Structure : JCGG-STR018077
[beta]-(1, 3)-linked lacto-N-biose I Structure : JCGG-STR021541
b-gentiobiose Structure : JCGG-STR018184
Binding of DC-SIGN to the internal pentasaccharide Structure : JCGG-STR004555
binds specifically to the N-CRD of Gal8 Structure : JCGG-STR014102
bind to both toxins Structure : JCGG-STR027035
bind to both toxins Structure : JCGG-STR007014
bind to both toxins Structure : JCGG-STR002827
bind to both toxins Structure : JCGG-STR024526
bind to both toxins Structure : JCGG-STR026450
birds are able to express both sequences Structure : JCGG-STR030265
birds are able to express both sequences Structure : JCGG-STR013782
birds are able to express both sequences Structure : JCGG-STR027858
Bis-sulfo-gangliotetraosylceramide Structure : JCGG-STR026991
bis-sulfo-Gangliotriaosylceramide Structure : JCGG-STR007015
b-kojibiose Structure : JCGG-STR017966
b-laminaribiose Structure : JCGG-STR025217
blood group A substance Structure : JCGG-STR025266
blood group A tetrasaccharide Structure : JCGG-STR021050
blood group H type 2-antigens Structure : JCGG-STR002937
b-maltose Structure : JCGG-STR030705
b-melibiose Structure : JCGG-STR002606
b-nigerose Structure : JCGG-STR026354
branched, complex-type N-glycans containing the pentasaccharide sequence Structure : JCGG-STR023998
branched core 2 glycan epitope Structure : JCGG-STR013782
Branched Forssman Structure : JCGG-STR032282
branched I-antigen type Structure : JCGG-STR013190
