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Dictionary name: EDAM-Topics



EDAM topics as defined in the EDAM ontology

Entry nameIDLabel
781-810 / 1054 show all
Protein stability folding, stability and design
Protein structural domains folds and structural domains
Protein structural features structural motifs and surfaces
Protein structural motifs structural motifs and surfaces
Protein structural motifs and surfaces structural motifs and surfaces
Protein structure structure analysis
Protein structure alignment structure alignment
Protein structure analysis structure analysis
Protein structure comparison structure comparison
Protein structure prediction prediction
Protein structure prediction structure prediction
Protein super-secondary structure secondary structure
Protein super-secondary structure super-secondary structure
Protein surfaces structural motifs and surfaces
Protein targeting targeting and localization
Protein targeting and localization targeting and localization
Protein tertiary structure tertiary structure
Protein tertiary structure prediction tertiary structure prediction
Protein topological domains topological domains
Protein topological domains folds and structural domains
Protein transmembrane regions folds and structural domains
Protein variants variants
Proteomics experiment experiment
Psychiatric disorders
Public health health and epidemiology
Public health and epidemiology health and epidemiology
Pulmonary disorders medicine
